Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ten Signs It's Time for a Career Move

Ten Signs It's Time for a Career Move

Wondering if it's time to change careers? Well, that's your first sign that it probably is. Here are 10 more signs that you deserve a better job. 

1. You dread Mondays
It's natural to feel a little weekend hangover on Monday, but if you find yourself absolutely dreading Mondays every single week, it's a sign that your job has become a source of frustration and depression for you. 

2. You don't see a clear path to promotion
Status and money actually have very little to do with your happiness at work. However, the allure of improving your station in life and taking on more challenging projects is a big part of what keeps a job interesting and exciting. 

3. You are constantly bored at work
Unless you are a stunt driver or a rock star, there are likely going to be some boring moments at your job. However, constant boredom is your mind's way of telling you, "you were meant for something more stimulating and meaningful."

4. Your values conflict with the company values
There's nothing more personal than business. If you are working for a company that asks you to ignore or override your personal values, you will grow to resent your job and lose respect for yourself. When you work for a company that shares your values, your natural instincts will make you great at your job. As a bonus, you'll be surrounded by people who share your values, and make much better friends and coworkers. 

5. You feel burned out and stressed out
When you are burned out and stressed out, it bleeds over into every area of your life--affecting your relationships, your happiness, and even your health. No job is worth that sacrifice. 

6. You find yourself asking "what's the point?"
A big part of happiness at work is the feeling that you are making a difference. This doesn't mean you have to be curing cancer or ending world hunger, but if solving your customer's problems doesn't give you a sense of accomplishment, it's a sign that you are working at a job that is disconnected from your true purpose in life. 

7. Your health is deteriorating
When you are stressed and unhappy, your health takes a hit. You'll come down with colds much more frequently, notice all sorts of little aches and pains, feel more lethargic, and have a much greater chance of serious illness. 

8. You feel antsy and restless at work
Do you find yourself constantly checking email, refilling your coffee cup, or sneaking a peek at your Facebook page? When you don't love your job, these distractions keep you sane, and break up the monotony. When you love your job, you'll want to avoid distractions. 

9. You never think about your job outside of work hours
When you are passionate about your job, you will find yourself waking up at 3 in the morning with a great idea to serve your customers better. You will find yourself mulling over work problems while you're in line at the grocery store. A great job consumes your attention almost constantly, because you love it, and you can't wait to get better at it. 

10. Your relationships within the company are deteriorating
When you resent your job, it will show up in your interactions with employees, bosses, coworkers, and customers. If you find your opinion of the people you work with and for declining, it's a sign that it's time to move on. 

Make your move
If you recognize yourself in this list, and you're ready for a change, there has never been a better time to consider a career at Keller Williams. A career at KW is challenging, fun, engaging, and interesting. You will work with positive super-achievers in a gorgeous, state-of-the-art workspace.

 See the form on the right-hand side of this page that says, "Sign up now to begin the journey?" Fill it out and take the first step towards an exciting new career. 

Ten Signs It's Time for a Career Move

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